Monday, September 28, 2009

Fill Your Buckets - Utah Business Magazine

I wrote an article appearing in the September issue of Utah Business Magazine which describes how to merge your investment portfolio with your daily cash flow management. The article, titled "Fill Your Buckets: Ensure Liquidity in Investment Portfolios," explains the benefit of specifying the short, medium, and long-term portions of a nest egg. Swing by a news stand and pick up a copy. Of course, any feedback is welcome.

As always, its best to speak to an independent fee-only financial planner to learn how to best apply this strategy to your situation.


Jon said...

I had my daughter fax me a copy of your article (she lives in Utah). Very good information that might have saved some people a lot of grief in the recent "meltdown".

Unknown said...

Thanks Jon. I'm happy you found the information to be valuable. Hopefully, it's not too late for individuals to make appropriate adjustments. It was a surprise that the crisis of 2008 came so soon after the tech bubble crisis, so we never know when we'll be faced with a similar situation.